The year 2010 really looked nothing like Space Odyssey 2010. Instead of fantastic missions to Jupiter the real odyssey was social media. More people stared into the great oblivion of Smallville or Facebook status updates than anything else. I perhaps were one of those men who stare at Facebook statuses and yet I want to be more successful than others. What does it take to be just a little better than the next guy.
It takes focus. Focus on things that matter that actually get you somewhere and that a geo location service won’t let you tweet. What do I do? Try to emulate someone. Really follow someone’s thinking and leadership even from afar. Then start modeling your life a little like theirs without being creepy. Then get out there a work at it hard. So for the strategy here are my goals.
1) Write more frequently. I am not an excellent writer but I hope to improve that and perhaps one day I will be at least decent.
2) Continued education. Spanish, javascript, more Adobe products, search engine marketing, and analytics.
3) Foster professional and personal relationships.
4) Start yet another blog that has been lingering in the recesses of my brain.
Really, if the world ends in 2012 most of this won’t matter. How are you improving yourself this year. What goals are you setting to improve who you are?