Are you looking to get started with social media live events? Using live events can help you create authority if you are persistent and provide quality content. I’ll cover some things to make the most of your online live events.

Plan the Date

This can help you invite people to join you and share in the conversation. The subject is so that someone knows and can be prepared to pay attention to the information you provide. Consistency helps with followings and so be prepared and committed to regular live events. The more consistent you are, the more people can expect for you to be live.

Get The Tech

You may already have the tech to do a live event. Your phone and many of these social platforms have the functionality to go live. However, you can spend money to improve your experience with a computer and a good cam.

Whatever you use, be sure you test out the tools to ensure everything is working. People can be extremely impatient online, and by having these ready and tested can help to put your best foot forward. Be sure that if you use a phone that you set it up to reduce shake and provide the best experience as possible. If the “right” tools are out of reach, it would be better to get started and then iterate.

Outline your content

Unless you have a gift for outlining and conversing in a meaningful way, creating content to stay on topic is valuable. If you’ve ever been part of the presentation and someone rambles on or gets distracted with tangental information, it can be distracting. In creating an outline, be sure that you have a single clear message. The better you can do this, the better your listeners will remember your information.

Borrow authority to build a following

As you develop your content you may want to rope in other subject matter experts. Inviting guest may help you with content while gaining exposure from those who already have an audience. The exchange may be in providing them with visibility from any following you may have earned.

Create a schedule and stick to it.

The schedule of your presentation is super important because it values your listeners time. A lot of people are busy and providing them with valuable information that makes use of their time and efforts will make your live events successful.

Promote and Distribute

Getting the word out is paramount to getting following. Thankfully many of these platforms have a system to get a live video out to searching audiences. The more you plan and invite, the more likely will have a live audience.

You will hear some marketers talking about 10x-20x your content. What they are referring to is using your content on other platforms. If you produce a video, you can use it to post on other social media platforms. If you planned content outlines, use it as fodder for blog posts, videos, social, images, etc. Because you used it for one platform doesn’t mean it can’t be on other social platforms. By promoting your pervious live events through other content posts, you will find this will increase the reach to your customers.

Provide an offer

Providing an offer provides value to your customers. Set this up so that they can get it from you after the live event. A free giveaway, discounts, special offers can help get someone to turn from listening to acting. The more of a thank you can make it, the more successful your offer will be. Setting this up may require the presentation to prepare the audience to the idea that the offer is the answer to their needs.

Post follow-up

In setting up a live event, your follow-up is super important. It requires keeping your audience engaged. Your previous offer should’ve captured some of your audience’s contact information. By setting up marketing automation to connect and communicate can help them join future groups. Additional marketing communications to sell your products or services is a double win.